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About Us

Muscle Truffles was brought to life by myself, Matilda, after realising many protein treats on the shelves where high in sugar and calories and low in protein.


My passion for clean treats began after starting my own fitness journey and learning more about nutrition so I could get the results from my training that I was working so hard towards. I wanted to live a healthy, active lifestyle and didn't want to go without the finer things in life like sweet treats because life would be very boring without them!


As I learnt more about nutrition and macro's I realized the protein balls I had been buying  myself after a my workouts were actually very high in calories and sugar and quite low in protein. That's when put my creative hat on (this came natural for me as my mother is a chef) and began trying to create my own that  were actually healthy and didn't taste awful.  Then one day I perfected a recipe and made some that were yummy and also low in calories but high in protein. I began sharing them with friends and colleagues of mine at the gym I worked in and they kept saying how great they were and that I should start a business. From my own experience I knew there was a huge gap in the market so with just a year of Bachelor of Business & Accounting behind me and huge passion I took the plunge and set out on a mission to bring my secret recipe to the homes of people just like myself. 


My mission is to help people treat themselves without  cheating themselves, to help those who are time poor or don't have the knowledge in nutrition to make their own health treats and to inspire people worldwide to take little steps every day towards being a healthier and happier version of themselves.  


Now you know a little more about me and the brand I would like to say a big thank you from me to you for supporting Muscle Truffles! Your support is much appreciated. 


Matilda x